※closedな(閉じられた)環境に、放射性物質が「溜まり続ける」と感じてきた、その数値は以上のようなものでした。たったひとつの海、ONE OCEANを危惧する、多分今後どんどん高線量になる北米大陸西海岸のサンフランシスコで、10月19日、人文字で「FUKUSIMA IS HERE」を描くというアクションの呼びかけがあります。
International Parents Association for children safetyグループより
Please Join us for a day of recognition: Radioactive contamination from Fukushima threatens life everywhere.
October 19, 2013
One Ocean, One Chance, One Day to Turn the Tide
And it will for generations to come.
The nuclear reactors that exploded in Japan pose a terrible problem: to keep the escaped corium from bursting into uncontrollable fire or bigger explosions, incredible amounts of water must be poured into a damaged and very radioactive site. The plant has always had a problem mitigating heavy groundwater seepage; now it's swamped with highly contaminated water from both sources, making the ground that supports the site soggy and unstable.
This nuclear emergency is not over.
The world is a round planet and the nuclear fires burning in these destroyed reactors will not be extinguished for centuries. Dangerous levels of radioactive contamination have leaked into the Pacific Ocean, into our rain, into our food chain, into the very fabric of our DNA gene pool, every day for two and a half years.
We have seriously fouled our nest, folks, and it's time to start talking about it.
We are all connected by bodies of water and we are mostly made up of water. We have one globally connected ocean and each of us has one body. All life was born in this ocean. It needs our help now, to tell others what we know.
One ocean, One chance.
Fukushima is Here.
We need your bodies Saturday, October 19th
on Ocean Beach in San Francisco at 11:00am
We need you to help us say what we know ...
Sign up if you are coming to the
San Francisco human mural.
How to organize a human mural.
News & More at FukushimaResponse Campaign.
San Francisco human mural Press Release.
A project of FukushimaResponse.org.