March.Fukushima disaster cleanup、 原発の再稼働,放射性廃棄物問題を考える。 国家原子力保安院は、自ら核分裂、冷却停止命令・・・メルトダウン自己崩壊、復興庁支援、環境破壊から立ち直る。非常事態宣言、蔓延の渦中、感染症爆発の秋!
The Demolish japan!
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archive- Announcement on the date for G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth in 2019 [18.05.22up]
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- Result of the Medical Judgment Concerning Acknowledgment of Designated Diseases under the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief.(On April 24th 2018). [18.04.24up]
- Japan's National Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Fiscal Year 2016(Final Figures) [18.04.24up]
- Results of the survey on the enforcement status of the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act and Soil Contamination Investigations and Countermeasures in FY 2016 [18.04.17up]
Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan (JCN1000012110001)
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Copyright Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan. All rights reserved.
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Copyright Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan. All rights reserved.
生物群集とそれを取巻く物理的・化学的環境がつくりだす機能的なまとまりをさす。この考えはイギリスの生態学者 A.タンズリーによって提唱された (1935) 。一つの生態系内で各生物は生産者,消費者というような役割分担を有し,それらの間での物質およびエネルギーの流れの解析が,生態学の一分野として重要である。
抜粋した意味では、以上で生産と消費、エネルギーなど力関係を主とするが、生物学的な生態系、 弱肉強食、食物連鎖、生息生態など、自然環境に特化している。
生物群集とそれを取巻く物理的・化学的環境がつくりだす機能的なまとまりをさす。この考えはイギリスの生態学者 A.タンズリーによって提唱された (1935) 。一つの生態系内で各生物は生産者,消費者というような役割分担を有し,それらの間での物質およびエネルギーの流れの解析が,生態学の一分野として重要である。
抜粋した意味では、以上で生産と消費、エネルギーなど力関係を主とするが、生物学的な生態系、 弱肉強食、食物連鎖、生息生態など、自然環境に特化している。
セカンダリーは通常、核融合燃料とその他の材料との円筒形積層構造になっている。円筒のいちばん外側は”プッシャー・タンパー”という部分で、ウラン238(劣化ウラン)や鉛で出来ており、核融合燃料の圧縮を助ける働きをする(ウランの場合には、最終的に自身も核分裂反応を起こす)。核融合燃料部分は通常水素化リチウムで構成される。この理由は極低温の必要がある液化重水素/三重水素を使用するよりも兵器としての運用が遙かに容易なためである(比較として、液化三重水素を使用したアイビー作戦マイク実験と、水素化リチウムを使用したキャッスル作戦ブラボー実験があげられる)。水素化リチウムを用いたものは、乾式と呼ばれる。この"乾式"燃料にプライマリーからの中性子が当たると三重水素が発生する。この重い水素の同位体は、燃料に元々混ぜられている重水素と共に核融合を起こす(核融合時の技術的な振る舞いに関しては、核融合記事を参照のこと)。積層燃料の中心部には”スパーク・プラグ”と呼ばれる部分があり、ここには意図的に”空気の泡”が入れられた核分裂物質(プルトニウム239、またはウラン235)があり、この部分もプライマリーの爆発により圧縮されると核分裂を起こす(圧縮により臨界量を超える様に設計されているため)。さらにターシャリーを設置する場合には、セカンダリーと同等の構造のものを、プライマリー=セカンダリーと同等の位置関係で、外側に設置する [4] [5]。
公開されている文書の中では、この中間段階に関する記載は極く少ししか無い。その中でもベストなのは、米国のW76型核弾頭によく似たイギリスの熱核爆弾の簡略構造図である。これはグリーンピースによって"Dual Use Nuclear Technology"と言う名称で報告されている[1] (清書版はこちら[2])。この構造図には、主な部品とその配置が描かれているが、詳細については殆どが欠けている(この部分は故意に省略された可能性が高い)。これらは”終端キャップと中性子集束レンズ”、及び”反射板覆い”と表記されている。中間部分には、プライマリーからスパーク・プラグへの中性子の通路と、セカンダリーへのX線の反射通路がある。一般的に全体を包む容器は、ウラン等のX線を通さない物質で造られる。ただしここはプライマリーからのX線を鏡の様にを反射するのではなく、代わりにX線によって高温状態になり、X線をムラ無くセカンダリーに伝える(この現象は”放射爆縮”として知られている)。次に”反射材/中性子銃砲架”は、中央にある中性子集束レンズとプライマリー側の全体ケースとの隙間を埋め、X線の反射材として機能している間はプライマリーとセカンダリーを分離させ、中性子銃砲架のうちのおよそ6個(詳細はサンディア国立研究所[3]を参照)は各々の一端と共に反射材の外側に突き抜けて砲架に留められ、反射板覆いの周囲に均等に配置される。しかしながら各々は、隣のものよりも高い位置に傾いて取り付けられている(これは銃身のライフリングに似ている)(”ポリスチレンの偏光プリズム/プラズマ源”は以下を参照のこと)。
米国政府の文書で中間段階に関して最初に解説されたのは、公開された高信頼性代替核弾頭(Reliable Replacement Warhead)の中である。この文書では、機構単位でみた"RRW"の潜在的優位性について述べられており、中間段階方式の”有害物質、不安定な物質、そして高価で特別な材料”を置き換える”特別な機構”を有するとしている [6]。 この”有害で不安定な物質”とはベリリウムを指しており、これはプライマリーからの中性子の流れを加減するものと広く知られている。またX線の吸収と再放射のためにも、いくつかの物質が使われている [7] 。
特別な材料としては、非公式なコードネームで”フォグバンク(Fogbank)”と呼ばれるものがあるが、これは物質ではなく構造部品であると考えられている。この構造部品はエアロゲルである可能性が指摘されている。しかしながらこの生産は、もう何年も行われていないが、”核兵器の延命作業”には生産再開を必要としている(唯一アメリカ合衆国エネルギー省の国家核安全保障局Y-12プラント(テネシー州オークリッジ)のみが供給可能な工場である)。この製造には有害で不安定なアセトニトリルを必要とし、これは作業者に危険が及ぶ可能性がある(2006年3月には、3度の事故を起こしている) [8]。 上記の内容を簡略化すると、以下の様になる。
- まずプライマリーとして、爆縮型の核分裂爆弾が爆発する。核分裂反応の効率を高めるためにプライマリー・コアに核融合燃料も使用することは、反応の”増強(Boosting)”と呼ばれる。極少量の三重水素ガスがブースター用として、プライマリー内部に入れられていた場合、三重水素は核分裂爆発により圧縮されて核融合反応が発生する。この核融合反応は核出力にほとんど寄与しないが、効率的に中性子を発生させる。この中性子が核分裂反応のブースターとして作用し、発生した中性子はプライマリー内のウラン235やプルトニウム239にさらなる核分裂を起こさせる。このブースティングにより、核分裂燃料の反応する割合を向上させることができる(この増強手法を使わなかったため、リトルボーイでは1.4%、ファットマンでは14%が実際に反応を起こした部分であると言われている)。
- プライマリーで発生したエネルギーは、セカンダリーの核融合燃料部分に転送される。しかしながら、転送の正確な仕組みは不明である(この仕組みに関する推測は下記を参照のこと)。転送されたエネルギーは、核融合燃料及びスパーク・プラグを外側から圧縮する(圧縮されたスパーク・プラグは臨界に達し、核分裂連鎖反応を起こす。この反応で出る熱は、圧縮された核融合燃料をさらに加熱し、核融合反応が起こるに十分な温度にまで燃料の温度を上昇させる。さらにスパーク・プラグの核分裂反応は中性子を発生し、これが核融合燃料中のリチウムから核融合を起こす三重水素を生成させる)。一般的には、一定の容積内にある気体分子の運動エネルギーが上昇すると、気体の温度と圧力が上昇する(これは一般的な気体の振る舞いである)。
- セカンダリーの核融合燃料は、通常は劣化ウランや天然ウランのタンパー/プッシャーに囲まれており、この部分のウラン238は通常の核分裂爆弾で発生する中性子では核分裂を起こさないが、核融合燃料が反応を起こした際に発生する高速中性子では核分裂を起こし、場合によっては核融合によるエネルギー以上のエネルギーを発生させる。
- プライマリーの核分裂反応による中性子の放射を使用する方法。これは”スタニスワフ・ウラム”の最初の提案だと言われているが、正しく機能しなかったために破棄された。
- プライマリーの爆発による衝撃波を使用する方法。これはスタニスワフ・ウラムの2番目の提案だと言われているが、やはり正しく機能しなかったために破棄された。
- X線による放射圧力を使用する方法。この方法は最初の実用案であったが、米国人ジャーナリストのハワード・モーランドにより The Progressive 誌上で公開されてしまった。
- X線により、容器内の充填物(ポリスチレン)からプラズマを発生させる方法。これは米国人の研究家チャック・ハンセンにより公開され、後年になってからはハワード・モーランドもこちらに賛同した。
- タンパー・プッシャー蒸発圧力法。これが現在、実際に使われている機構だと考えられている。
- コメント
44 Deliberation Deliberation No. 3 February 6, Showa 44
Regarding the release of radioactive liquid waste from the reprocessing facility etc.About thinking on prevention of disability (report)
44 Deliberation Deliberation No. 3February 6, Showa 44
Prime Minister Eisaku Sato
Chairman of the Radiation CouncilKenjiro Kimura
Regarding the release of radioactive liquid waste from the reprocessing facility etc.About thinking on prevention of disability (report)
Regarding the mark which had been consulted with this council on March 19, 1943 under the original number 1206, we deliberated deliberations at the special watershed release subcommittee, but in the case of the meeting held on February 6, 1964 We got the conclusion at the 23rd Radiation Council General Assembly as follows and we will respond.
Ⅰ Basic attitude in deliberation
The Radiation Council believes that the basis for protecting citizens from radiation hazards in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy is to respect the recommendations of the International Radiological Protection Committee.The Council deliberated on the following basic attitude.
1 Exposure doseRegarding the radiation dose of citizens, even if we take into account all the exposures (excluding radiation for receiving medical treatment and radiation from natural radiation) that every single citizen receives in daily life as much as possible It should not exceed the dose limit for the public members as recommended by the International Radiological Protection Committee.
2 On internal and external radiation exposureFor low-level radioactive liquid waste (Note 1) released into the sea area, internal radiation exposure caused by ingestion of radioactive material in the waste liquid by people through seafood foods and external radiation directly received by humans in the area or in the surrounding area Should be considered.
3 About the target groupWith regard to the radiation set forth in the preceding paragraph, in order to ensure the safety of all citizens, consideration should be given to a group considered to have the largest radiation dose.
4 About target facilitiesWe will mainly consider reprocessing facilities, but we think that the way of thinking that results from deliberations basically applies to all nuclear facilities. In applying the concrete application, please respect the spirit of the recommendation of the International Radiological Protection Committee and take into consideration all the conditions such as the type of facility and the situation of the environment, so as to minimize the radiation dose as much as possible Should.
Ⅱ Results of deliberation
Traditionally, in order to protect citizens from radiation damage in Japan, we respect the spirit of the recommendation of the International Radiological Protection Committee and basically reduce the radiation exposure as much as possible. For occupants, the recommended maximum allowable dose We have taken legal restrictions so that it does not exceed, and we have taken sufficient measures not to exceed the dose limit for the public members indicated in the recommendation for the general public.This principle must also be observed with respect to the radiation dose when low-level radioactive liquid waste generated from reprocessing facilities etc. is released into the sea area.Therefore, the idea concerning the prevention of damage related to the release of low-level radioactive liquid waste in the sea is as follows.
1 Specificity of exposure due to sea emissionHuman radiation exposure due to the release of low-level radioactive waste into the ocean is partly due to internal exposure from radioactive substances ingested by humans via marine products produced from the sea area. In this case, consideration should be given to the in vivo concentration of radioactive materials by marine organisms and the attachment of radioactive substances to the surface of marine products.On the other hand, there are external exposures that fishermen, beaches etc. may receive from fishing gear or beach etc.Therefore, for radiation exposure of people due to ocean emission of low level radioactive waste liquid, these two types of radiation exposure must be examined comprehensively.
2 Estimated exposure doseConsideration to minimize the exposure dose of people caused by release of low level radioactive liquid waste into the ocean, including radiation exposure due to other causes (excluding exposure to radiation treatment and exposure to natural radiation) Do not exceed the dose limit for the members of the public as recommended by the International Radiation Protection Committee.Therefore, the radiation dosage as a measure of human exposure dose resulting from the release of low-level radioactive liquid waste should be taken considerably lower than this dose limit. This value depends on the type of facility and the situation of the environment Depending on the specific factors of the situation, it must be properly set. (Note 2)
3 Management of marine environmentIn releasing the low-level radioactive liquid waste in the ocean area, depending on the quality and quantity of the waste liquid, follow the process until the radioactive substance in the waste solution touches the person and take into consideration the above-mentioned various factors concerning the radiation, The maritime environment must be properly managed.
4 Release of radioactive waste liquidWhen estimating the amount of radioactive material that can be emitted over a certain period of time based on human exposure dose, factors related to the aforementioned radiation exposure must be taken into account. Regarding the values of these factors, if surveys of the relevant sea area and other necessary surveys are carried out according to the type of facility and the quality and quantity of waste liquid, etc., and comprehensively examined, unless the results are not set to be on the safe side It will not.
5 Emission from multiple facilitiesWhen multiple facilities are installed or expected to be installed in the same area, keep in mind that there is an additive effect of the released radioactive liquid waste, so that the above-mentioned idea is applied as a whole to the individual seawater For institutions the release of low level radioactive waste should be limited.
Radioactivity monitoring and evaluation in 6 areasFor releasing the low-level radioactive liquid waste in the sea, concentrations of radioactive substances such as sea water and necessary marine organisms in the relevant sea area are periodically measured according to the type of facility and the quality and quantity of waste liquid, and the radioactivity level of the environment Must be monitored. In addition, an authoritative organization for evaluating the results fairly must be prepared in advance.The results of the measurement and evaluation described above, together with the progress of research on environmental radioactivity in the sea area, should be utilized as important material for releasing future low-level radioactive liquid waste.The above idea is the basis for protecting the public against radiation hazards in response to the release of radioactive liquid waste in the sea.
(Note 1) At the report of the Special Committee on Waste Treatment of the Atomic Energy Commission (September 12, 1967), low level is set at 10 -3 to 10 - 6 μCi / cm 3 as a classification for treatment. The Council discussed the following considering the low level radioactive liquid waste to be less than about 10-3 μCi / cm 3 and considering the equivalent treatment in consideration of human exposure.
(Note 2) In order to respond to the immediate needs, we discussed deliberately the values that should serve as an indication of the radiation dose for reprocessing facilities. As a result, I think that it is appropriate to set this value to 1/10 of the dose limit for the public members for the time being.
44 Deliberation Deliberation No. 3February 6, Showa 44
Prime Minister Eisaku Sato
Chairman of the Radiation CouncilKenjiro Kimura
Regarding the release of radioactive liquid waste from the reprocessing facility etc.About thinking on prevention of disability (report)
Regarding the mark which had been consulted with this council on March 19, 1943 under the original number 1206, we deliberated deliberations at the special watershed release subcommittee, but in the case of the meeting held on February 6, 1964 We got the conclusion at the 23rd Radiation Council General Assembly as follows and we will respond.
Ⅰ Basic attitude in deliberation
The Radiation Council believes that the basis for protecting citizens from radiation hazards in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy is to respect the recommendations of the International Radiological Protection Committee.The Council deliberated on the following basic attitude.
1 Exposure doseRegarding the radiation dose of citizens, even if we take into account all the exposures (excluding radiation for receiving medical treatment and radiation from natural radiation) that every single citizen receives in daily life as much as possible It should not exceed the dose limit for the public members as recommended by the International Radiological Protection Committee.
2 On internal and external radiation exposureFor low-level radioactive liquid waste (Note 1) released into the sea area, internal radiation exposure caused by ingestion of radioactive material in the waste liquid by people through seafood foods and external radiation directly received by humans in the area or in the surrounding area Should be considered.
3 About the target groupWith regard to the radiation set forth in the preceding paragraph, in order to ensure the safety of all citizens, consideration should be given to a group considered to have the largest radiation dose.
4 About target facilitiesWe will mainly consider reprocessing facilities, but we think that the way of thinking that results from deliberations basically applies to all nuclear facilities. In applying the concrete application, please respect the spirit of the recommendation of the International Radiological Protection Committee and take into consideration all the conditions such as the type of facility and the situation of the environment, so as to minimize the radiation dose as much as possible Should.
Ⅱ Results of deliberation
Traditionally, in order to protect citizens from radiation damage in Japan, we respect the spirit of the recommendation of the International Radiological Protection Committee and basically reduce the radiation exposure as much as possible. For occupants, the recommended maximum allowable dose We have taken legal restrictions so that it does not exceed, and we have taken sufficient measures not to exceed the dose limit for the public members indicated in the recommendation for the general public.This principle must also be observed with respect to the radiation dose when low-level radioactive liquid waste generated from reprocessing facilities etc. is released into the sea area.Therefore, the idea concerning the prevention of damage related to the release of low-level radioactive liquid waste in the sea is as follows.
1 Specificity of exposure due to sea emissionHuman radiation exposure due to the release of low-level radioactive waste into the ocean is partly due to internal exposure from radioactive substances ingested by humans via marine products produced from the sea area. In this case, consideration should be given to the in vivo concentration of radioactive materials by marine organisms and the attachment of radioactive substances to the surface of marine products.On the other hand, there are external exposures that fishermen, beaches etc. may receive from fishing gear or beach etc.Therefore, for radiation exposure of people due to ocean emission of low level radioactive waste liquid, these two types of radiation exposure must be examined comprehensively.
2 Estimated exposure doseConsideration to minimize the exposure dose of people caused by release of low level radioactive liquid waste into the ocean, including radiation exposure due to other causes (excluding exposure to radiation treatment and exposure to natural radiation) Do not exceed the dose limit for the members of the public as recommended by the International Radiation Protection Committee.Therefore, the radiation dosage as a measure of human exposure dose resulting from the release of low-level radioactive liquid waste should be taken considerably lower than this dose limit. This value depends on the type of facility and the situation of the environment Depending on the specific factors of the situation, it must be properly set. (Note 2)
3 Management of marine environmentIn releasing the low-level radioactive liquid waste in the ocean area, depending on the quality and quantity of the waste liquid, follow the process until the radioactive substance in the waste solution touches the person and take into consideration the above-mentioned various factors concerning the radiation, The maritime environment must be properly managed.
4 Release of radioactive waste liquidWhen estimating the amount of radioactive material that can be emitted over a certain period of time based on human exposure dose, factors related to the aforementioned radiation exposure must be taken into account. Regarding the values of these factors, if surveys of the relevant sea area and other necessary surveys are carried out according to the type of facility and the quality and quantity of waste liquid, etc., and comprehensively examined, unless the results are not set to be on the safe side It will not.
5 Emission from multiple facilitiesWhen multiple facilities are installed or expected to be installed in the same area, keep in mind that there is an additive effect of the released radioactive liquid waste, so that the above-mentioned idea is applied as a whole to the individual seawater For institutions the release of low level radioactive waste should be limited.
Radioactivity monitoring and evaluation in 6 areasFor releasing the low-level radioactive liquid waste in the sea, concentrations of radioactive substances such as sea water and necessary marine organisms in the relevant sea area are periodically measured according to the type of facility and the quality and quantity of waste liquid, and the radioactivity level of the environment Must be monitored. In addition, an authoritative organization for evaluating the results fairly must be prepared in advance.The results of the measurement and evaluation described above, together with the progress of research on environmental radioactivity in the sea area, should be utilized as important material for releasing future low-level radioactive liquid waste.The above idea is the basis for protecting the public against radiation hazards in response to the release of radioactive liquid waste in the sea.
(Note 1) At the report of the Special Committee on Waste Treatment of the Atomic Energy Commission (September 12, 1967), low level is set at 10 -3 to 10 - 6 μCi / cm 3 as a classification for treatment. The Council discussed the following considering the low level radioactive liquid waste to be less than about 10-3 μCi / cm 3 and considering the equivalent treatment in consideration of human exposure.
(Note 2) In order to respond to the immediate needs, we discussed deliberately the values that should serve as an indication of the radiation dose for reprocessing facilities. As a result, I think that it is appropriate to set this value to 1/10 of the dose limit for the public members for the time being.
![]() |
ウラン238 | |
概要 | |
名称、記号 | ウラン238,238U |
中性子 | 146 |
陽子 | 92 |
核種情報 | |
天然存在比 | 99.284% |
半減期 | 44億6800万年 |
親核種 | 242Pu (α) 238Pa (β−) |
崩壊生成物 | 234Th |
同位体質量 | 238.0507826 u |
アルファ崩壊 | 4.267 MeV |
天然のウランの99.284%がウラン238である。半減期は4.468 × 109年(44億6800万年)。劣化ウランはほとんどがウラン238である。濃縮ウランは天然ウランを濃縮して、よりウラン235の濃度を高めたものである。
- ^ “Fission Chain Reaction_Trends of Fission Products_Symmetric Fission Products”. The LibreTexts libraries. 2018年2月23日閲覧。
- ^ “仁科芳雄博士生誕 120 周年記念講演会 日本現代物理学の父 仁科芳雄博士の輝かしき業績_ウラン -237 と対称核分裂の発見(pp.45-46)”. 仁科記念財団. 2018年2月23日閲覧。
- ^ “核分裂理論入門”. 国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA). 2018年2月24日閲覧。
- ^ “Fission Chain Reaction_Trends of Fission Products_Symmetric Fission Products”. The LibreTexts libraries. 2018年2月24日閲覧。
- ^ “ネプツニウム-237(237Np)”. 原子力資料情報室. 2018年3月2日閲覧。
- ^ “ネプツニウム-237(237Np)”. 原子力資料情報室. 2018年3月2日閲覧。
- ^ “Neptunium-237 production from atmospheric nuclear testing”. IAEA. 2018年3月2日閲覧。
投稿 (Atom)