The ANS Reactor Physics Topical Meeting is returning to Japan after 18
years. It will be held in Kyoto, which is one of the most historical
and beautiful cities in Japan. The technical program will meet the
high standards of recent PHYSOR meetings [Interlaken 2008, Pittsburgh
2010 and Knoxville 2012], including timely and relevant special
topics. Students will be actively involved in all technical events and
activities. Exciting workshops and technical tours will be also
New Info
- The paper submission was closed. (2014-02-26)
Important Date
The deadline of submission of full papers is extended. We will
operate the paper submission system until February 14, 2014 (Japan
Standard Time).
February 14, 2014 |
Deadline of Submission of Full Papers |
April 26, 2014 |
Notification of Acceptance |
June 28, 2014 |
Deadline of Final Paper Submission |
Technical Tracks
Descriptions of each technical track
- Reactor Analysis Method
- Deterministic Transport Theory
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Analysis
- Nuclear Criticality Safety
- Reactor Physics Experiments
- Reactor Concepts and Designs
- Reactor Operation and Safety
- Transient and Safety Analysis
- Nuclear Data
- Research Reactors and Spallation Sources
- Fuel Cycle and Actinide Management
- Radiation Applications and Nuclear Safeguards
- Education in Reactor Physics
- Research Related to Fukushima Accident
Special Sessions
- Molten Salt Reactors
- Reactor Physics and Criticality Safety Activities in OECD/NEA Working Party
- Hybrid Particle Transport Methods for Solving Complex Problems in Real-time
- Advanced Geometry Processing in Deterministic and Monte Carlo Methods
- Multiscale, Multiphysics Approaches in Nuclear Science and Engineering Applications
- Nuclear Criticality Safety of Fuel Debris
- Control Rod Withdrawal Tests Performed During the PHENIX End-of-Life Experiments
- Reactor Physics of Non-Traditional LWR Fuel Design
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