March.Fukushima disaster cleanup、 原発の再稼働,放射性廃棄物問題を考える。 国家原子力保安院は、自ら核分裂、冷却停止命令・・・メルトダウン自己崩壊、復興庁支援、環境破壊から立ち直る。非常事態宣言、蔓延の渦中、感染症爆発の秋!
The measurement and radiation
The measurement and radiationAboutOsaka Science and Technology Center adviser , Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University Kimura Itsurou1 . IntroductionRadioactive surrounding environment by the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred in March 2011It is contaminated by substances , who many residents have sent a shelter painful still . Equivalent lengthWhile there is a place you can not go home period , but there is also a
place that could be coming home did on the decontamination enough ,Not only pay attention to the air dose rate of radiation always , each person 's which is hereDer likely to be living measure while (monitor ) or has received radiation exposure onlyRu . It is reasonable Speaking of reasonable , but it would be very hard . However, radiation followBecause there is a proven track record in individual exposure management of parties , can sufficiently runSome .In Japan , the radiation particular interest to radiation by the nuclear accident and in anyConcern on the human body affected by exposure is raised . There is also confusion a lot here , and releaseThe need to have a precise knowledge of the ray is cast , regular in junior high school and high schoolIt is to be taken up in class.That said, the milestone for mankind (20 century ) the last century the measured radiationIt is a natural progress of recognition , the human race has acquired a large profit through it . But thisIs , the human body radiation effects , the appearance of the atomic
and hydrogen bombs , environmental contamination by radioactive material
(see above ) ToiAlso negative aspects that TsuSome . In this case , for the measurement and radiation , a brief description againThe , you want to think together .2 . The measurement and radiationJust before the 20th century , X-ray to discover X-ray , becquerel is out radiation from uraniumTo discover that you are , Mr. and Mrs. Curie discovered polonium and radium followed . ReleaseRays were subjected to medical use as a diagnostic immediately , but the physics of the microscopic world , on the one handIt is used as a means to solve , real artificial conversion of nuclei (
nuclear reaction ) and the discovery of the neutron and nucleusI actually led . The fission has also been discovered with a slight delay . Using the wave nature of radiation furtherBy Rukoto , the structure of the materialStructure can now be directly observed . Einstein et al.Therefore
various official new theory of physics that has been proposed has been
demonstrated , such as reaction of atomic nuclei . The entireAs , natural recognition advanced dramatically by the measurement and radiation .Now such a discovery was confirmed both by the radiation detector . Vector and X-rayRel to detect radiation by photographic plate and fluorescence phenomenon , the transmission X-ray copy of the hand of Mrs.I was served with papers true . Without the laboratory if these , the discovery of radiation was delayed muchWill allo . Curie and his wife , of the ionization chamber method husband Pierre is in charge of the radiation detector mainlyWe have developed a thing , PoloI supported the discovery of radium chloride . Eventually , the gas by radiationRadiation detector using the light emission of the scintillator
appeared one after another , as well as ionization , semi followedCan conductors ( radiation ) detector is also applied to measure quantitatively and in detail the radiationHas become . I is shown in the following table: principles and features of the main ones .The main types of radiation detector , principles and features
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