
As we approach the Tokyo Olympics

MRI Trend Review
As we approach the Tokyo Olympics, the state of recovery in Fukushima Prefecture and the health effects of radiation
Need to be more aware of
――Report of the second survey results (implemented in 2019) ――
November 2019
Noriaki Yoshizawa, Nuclear Safety Business Division
Kana Murakami
Kosuke Shirai
Tetsuya Baba, Think Tank Division
1. Background and purpose of this survey
Less than a year before the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics (hereafter Tokyo 2020 Games)
The event is imminent.
The Tokyo 2020 Games, which has been a milestone since the Great East Japan Earthquake, is also called the “Reconstruction Olympics”.
And report on recovery from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident (accident) at home and abroad
Is one of the major purposes. Attraction of tourists to affected areas and wind of memories of earthquakes and accidents
Action and Legacy Sheep at the Tokyo 2020 Games, including prevention of dissemination and elimination of reputational damage
One contained in the run.
Tokyo, the host city, is expected to play a role in signaling the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident
Is done. In order to respond, it is important that the Tokyo people deepen their understanding of the current state of reconstruction.
It is. With this awareness of issues, Mitsubishi Research Institute has been working on reconstruction in Fukushima Prefecture and the health of radiation.
In 2017, a questionnaire survey focused on the Tokyo people's awareness,
Carried out. The results of the survey indicate that interest in Fukushima Prefecture is waning and that health
Yasushi scientific knowledge about the effects became such is clear that that is not penetrated 2.
Two years after the 2017 survey, the Tokyo 2020 Games are now on the verge of
A second survey was conducted. In this paper, we compare with the 2017 survey results (hereinafter referred to as the 2017 survey).
1 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee “Tokyo 2020 Action & Legacy
-Plan 2019 (Chapter 6, Reconstruction, All Japan, Dissemination to the World) "(July 2017)
https://tokyo2020.jp/jp/games/legacy/items/legacy-report2017.pdf (Browsing date: November 21, 2019)
2 MRI Trend Review “As we approach the Tokyo Olympics, we are aware of the state of recovery in Fukushima Prefecture and the health effects of radiation.
We need to renew our knowledge. ''

MRI Trend Review
In addition to presenting the results of this survey, together with the results of similar surveys of other organizations,
And recommend the required activities.
The outline of the second survey conducted in 2019 is as follows.
"The 2nd awareness survey (hereinafter referred to as the 2019 survey)"
Investigation period
: June 21-23, 2019
Survey area (number of responses): Tokyo (1000 samples)
Survey target
: Men and women between the ages of 20 and 69
Survey method
: Internet survey
Reference: First survey
Conducted in August 2017. The study area, survey target, and survey method are the same as those in the second survey.
2. Results of the 2019 Survey
2.1 Understanding the Tokyo Metropolitan Reconstruction Situation, Awareness and Interest in the Earthquake
When asked about the consciousness and interest of the Tokyo people about the earthquake, they said, "I think they are fading."
The answer (total of "I agree" and "I agree somewhat") exceeded 50% (55.7%), and the 2017 survey
(4.1 points) ( Figure 1 ).
Figure 1 Tokyo residents' awareness and interest in the earthquake
15.1 %
40.6 %
28.4 %
10.2 % 5.7 %
13.2 %
38.4 %
29.5 %
12.0 %
6.9 %
2019 years
2017 years
So I think I think a little so not say either do not think so much so I do not think so
Six years have passed since the nuclear accident, and I think my consciousness and interest in the earthquake have weakened.
MRI Trend Review
Regarding the impression of restoration and reconstruction in Fukushima Prefecture, respondents who felt that they were progressing ("I think so"
"Somewhat agree" is over 30% (32.5%) of the total, 10.2 points from the 2017 survey
Increased. Answers that "I feel that recovery / reconstruction has not progressed" ("I do not think so"
Total disagreement ”is more than 30% (32.0%), but 8.5 points
( Figure 2).
Regarding the understanding of the current situation in Fukushima Prefecture, answer "I think I understand correctly" ("
The total of “I think” and “Somewhat agree” is about 10% (9.8%) of the total, 3.0 points from the 2017 survey
Respondents who answered “I do not think I understand correctly” (“I do not think so”
Total), which is about 50% (48.8%), a decrease of 5.8 points from the 2017 survey.
Figure 2 Impressions of Tokyo residents on the status of restoration and reconstruction in Fukushima Prefecture
Figure 3 Tokyo residents' understanding of the current situation in Fukushima Prefecture
3.1 %
19.2 %
37.2 %
26.8 %
13.7 %
6.6 %
25.9 %
35.5 %
22.6 %
9.4 %
2019 years
2017 years
So I think I think a little so not say either do not think so much so I do not think so
I feel that recovery and reconstruction in Fukushima Prefecture is progressing
2019 years
2017 years
So I think I think a little so not say either do not think so much so I do not think so
I think Tokyo people correctly understand the current situation in Fukushima Prefecture
7.0 %
41.4 %
32.9 %
15.9 %
5.3 %
38.6 %
35.6 %
19.0 %
2.8 %
1.5 %
MRI Trend Review
"I think that Fukushima Prefecture is conscious of radiation in their daily lives."
And Fukushima) with special eyes after the nuclear accident.
Of respondents (total of "I agree" and "I agree somewhat")
(The former “Fukushima prefecture is more conscious of radiation” 42.6%, the latter “Fukushima prefecture is more special
44.8%), which was not much different from the result of the 2017 survey (Figures 4 and 5).
Based on these results, the Tokyo people's understanding of the state of recovery and reconstruction in Fukushima has progressed, but
Awareness and concern for people were also diminishing, and Fukushima citizens believed that they were conscious of radiation.
It can be seen that the impression of special recognition has not changed.
Figure 4 Tokyo Metropolitan People's Consciousness and Interest in Radiation Awareness of Fukushima Prefectural People
Figure 5 Tokyo Metropolitan People's Awareness and Interest in Fukushima Prefecture's Special Attention
2019 years
2017 years
So I think I think a little so not say either do not think so much so I do not think so
Tokyo people think that Fukushima prefecture is conscious of radiation in their everyday life
32.3 %
10.3 %
44.4 %
9.1 %
3.9 %
12.6 %
31.4 %
42.9 %
6.7 % 6.4 %
2019 years
2017 years
So I think I think a little so not say either do not think so much so I do not think so
After the nuclear accident, I think Fukushima Prefecture can be seen with special eyes
31.8 %
13.6 %
37.2 %
10.3 % 7.1 %
11.5 %
33.3 %
37.5 %
11.6 % 6.1 %
MRI Trend Review
2.2 Tokyo people's awareness of food produced in Fukushima Prefecture
If you eat your own food from Fukushima Prefecture, you don't care if it comes from Fukushima Prefecture
Of respondents surveyed exceeded 60% (62.0%), a slight increase from the 2017 survey (3.4 points).
G). The same tendency was observed when eating with family, friends, acquaintances, and foreign tourists.
As in the 2017 survey, `` radiation '' was more pronounced in `` when eaten by others '' than `` when eaten by yourself ''.
Many respondents said that he was hesitant because he was worried about lines, but he said,
The number of respondents saying `` Luc '' is decreasing among family members, friends / acquaintances, and foreign tourists.
According to the 2017 survey, as a measure against reputation, `` it is no problem to recommend to family and acquaintances ''
He pointed out that it was important to deepen understanding. This time, the 2019 survey found that "Families,
"If a child eats," "Aggressively eat / recommend," "I don't care if it's from Fukushima"
The percentage of combined responses increased by 4.6 points from the 2017 survey, indicating that friends, acquaintances,
A similar change was seen when recommending to light customers.
It can be said that it has declined (Figure 6).
Figure 6 Tokyo residents' awareness of Fukushima foods
15.4 %
62.0 %
22.6 %
2017 years
15.1 %
58.6 %
26.3 %
2019 years
11.6 %
58.0 %
30.4 %
2017 years
11.9 %
53.1 %
35.0 %
2019 years
11.5 %
60.5 %
28.0 %
2017 years
12.0 %
54.9 %
33.1 %
2019 years
11.8 %
60.6 %
27.6 %
2017 years
11.7 %
54.0 %
34.3 %
2019 years
actively eat / recommend Whether Fukushima Prefecture I do not care hesitate because radiation is a concern
If there is no change in quality and price compared to other prefectures, in each of the following situations,
Choose the food that comes closest to your thoughts on Fukushima food.
If you eat
Family and children
When to eat
When recommending to a friend or acquaintance
For foreign tourists
When to recommend
MRI Trend Review
2.3 Tokyo residents' awareness of travel to Fukushima
Regarding awareness of travel to Fukushima Prefecture, similar results to awareness of food produced in Fukushima Prefecture were observed.
Obtained. When they visit, nearly 60% (59.1%) say they don't care about radiation.
Respondents answered, 2.9 points more than in the 2017 survey.
"Lu" decreased by 4.2 points. Even if your family, friends, acquaintances, and foreign tourists eat
A similar trend was observed (Figure 7).
Figure 7 Tokyo residents' awareness of travel to Fukushima Prefecture
Family and children
When to visit
Friends and acquaintances
When to recommend a visit
For foreign tourists
When to recommend a visit
17.1 %
59.1 %
23.8 %
2017 years
15.8 %
56.2 %
28.0 %
2019 years
13.6 %
55.7 %
30.7 %
2017 years
12.8 %
50.3 %
36.9 %
2019 years
13.6 %
57.8 %
28.6 %
2017 years
13.4 %
53.9 %
32.7 %
2019 years
13.7 %
58.3 %
28.0 %
2017 years
13.5 %
52.8 %
33.7 %
2019 years
Actively travel / recommend Don't worry about radiation Don't hesitate to worry about radiation
In each of the following situations:
Choose the one that best describes your thoughts on traveling to Fukushima.
If you visit
MRI Trend Review
2.4 Understanding of the health effects of radiation by the Tokyo people
Due to current radiation exposure, “health disorders that occur later in life, such as the onset of cancer,” and “
Figure 8: How much do you think health effects on humans will occur in Fukushima Prefecture?
Figure 9 shows the results. Compared to the previous 2017 survey, all respondents answered
(Sum of options 3 and 4) decreased (the former “health disability in later years” was 7.0 points, and the latter “
The percentage of respondents who answered that "health impact on future generations" was 8.4 points lower, and
(Total of 1 and 2), more than half, about 50 to 60%.
Figure 8 Tokyo Metropolitan Government's awareness of the health effects of radiation on Fukushima residents (later years)
Figure 9 Tokyo residents' awareness of the health effects of radiation on Fukushima citizens (next generation)
2017 years
2019 years
Health problems that occur later in life due to current radiation exposure (for example, the onset of cancer) in Fukushima Prefecture
Do you think it will happen
13.4 %
38.3 %
15.2 %
14.3 %
33.1 %
39.2 %
33.3 %
13.2 %
Very unlikely
Very likely
( 1 )
( 2 )
( 3 )
( 4 )
2017 years
2019 years
The current radiation exposure will affect the health of future generations (such as future children and grandchildren).
How much do you think the sound will affect people in Fukushima Prefecture?
14.7 %
36.6 %
13.2 %
15.6 %
35.5 %
43.0 %
30.6 %
10.8 %
Very unlikely
Very likely
( 1 )
( 2 )
( 3 )
( 4 )
MRI Trend Review
The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)
We are examining various scientific data, and we will
Health effects of the health problems and of future generations people occur are reported not to be predicted 3.
However, the understanding of these latest scientific findings has not been sufficiently advanced.
A 2017 survey revealed this. According to the 2017 survey, not only the current generation but also the next generation
Majority believe that there is also a health impact, which creates false prejudice and prejudice against Fukushima citizens
He pointed out the possibility of issuing it. Based on the results of this study, there was no
It was found that the understanding of the health effects caused by this was permeated and the situation was gradually improving. one
More than 40% of the respondents said that the possibility of the next generation impact is still high,
It is important to take measures to prevent discrimination.
3. Consideration based on the results of surveys by other organizations
Other organizations are also concerned about radioactive substances in food and the health effects of radiation.
Investigations are ongoing.
The Consumer Affairs Agency has continuously conducted a “Survey on Consumer Awareness Regarding Reputational Damage” and
It tracks changes in consumer awareness of things. Implemented continuously since February 2013
Internet surveys, each of which covers the affected area 4 and the major destinations of products in the affected area
Living in the metropolitan area is (destination-out of) 5 is a total of 5,176 people. 12 times by February 2019
Surveys have been conducted.
The 12th survey of the latest 6 in, as the consciousness of the purchase of food, "the test is performed
Respondents who said "I don't know that there is"
Was turning around. In addition, for reasons that care about the food's locality of origin, "food that does not contain radioactive materials
The smallest ever in the past, and purchasing products from Fukushima Prefecture because of radioactive materials.
3 “UNSCEAR 2013 Report on Levels and Effects of Radiation Exposure from Nuclear Accidents after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Post-published progress 2016 White Paper points to future work plans of the United Nations Scientific Committee "
http://www.unscear.org/docs/publications/2016/UNSCEAR_WP_2016_JAPANESE.pdf (view date:
November 21, 2019)
4 Set for Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures
5 Set for Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Osaka and Hyogo prefectures
6 Survey of consumer attitudes regarding reputational damage (12th report)-Significance of radioactive substances in food
Of survey results
food_and_radiation_190306_0003.pdf (browsing date: November 21, 2019)
MRI Trend Review
Those who hesitate have also become the smallest ever.
These results have reduced interest in conducting tests and
This suggests that concerns and concerns about avoiding products from Fukushima Prefecture have diminished. This is what we do
The results tend to be similar to the results of the survey conducted on food products from Fukushima Prefecture (Figure 6 above ) .
Awareness of avoiding food is thought to be declining even in metropolitan areas including Tokyo.
Fukushima Medical University has been conducting a prefectural health survey “Survey on Pregnant Women” every year since 2011.
The current status of pregnant women in Fukushima 7 (including “homecoming births” from outside the prefecture)
We understand physical health, opinions and requests. Surveys are conducted by mail and online
About 13,000 to 16,000 people who have been issued the Maternal and Child Health Handbook
The number was about 6,000 to 9,000. Survey results have been published a total of seven times up to FY2017
Has been 8.
In the 2017 survey, one of the reasons for not wishing to get pregnant next was `` I'm worried about the effects of radiation.
The percentage of respondents who answered "why" decreased from year to year to less than 1%. In addition, the description in the free text box
The content related to “effects of radiation on fetuses and children” also decreased yearly to less than 5%.
( Figure 10).
These results indicate that pregnant women in Fukushima Prefecture have health effects on the fetus and children due to radiation.
This indicates that the anxiety about sound has been reduced. On the other hand, in our survey results, "Fukushima Prefecture
Think that they are conscious of radiation in their daily lives. ''
Because they were the same (Fig. 4 above), Fukushima Prefecture, including the current situation of pregnant women in Fukushima Prefecture,
It is considered that the actual situation of the people is not sufficiently transmitted to the Tokyo people. Fukushima citizens and Tokyo people
It is also important to carefully fill this gap in perception.
7 Those who have been issued a Mother and Child Health Handbook from municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture and those who have received a Mother and Child Health Handbook from outside Fukushima Prefecture
Of those who have undergone a prenatal checkup in Fukushima and delivered (so-called home delivery delivery)
8 Regarding “Results of Survey on Pregnant Women” http://fukushima-mimamori.jp/pregnant-survey/result/
(Browsing date: November 21, 2019)
MRI Trend Review
Figure 10 Anxiety about radiation effects on fetuses and children among pregnant women in Fukushima Prefecture
Source: Fukushima Medical University Prefectural Health Survey, Prefectural Health Survey "Pregnant and maternal surveys"
Consider the results of the 2019 survey based on the results of ongoing surveys by other organizations.
Organize below.
∎ The understanding of Tokyo residents about the status of restoration and reconstruction in Fukushima is expanding, but at the same time,
Consciousness and interest have been diluted.
∎ While awareness of avoiding visits to Fukushima foods and Fukushima is decreasing, radiation
Misunderstanding of the Kang influence still remains.
∎ Fukushima citizens are regarded as special and Tokyo citizens have the impression that they are concerned about radiation
The response rate has remained almost the same for two years.
It may lead to a longer period.
4.Radiation knowledge and risk perception
Based on the analysis up to Section 3, the understanding of Fukushima's recovery and reconstruction situation has been broadened,
Although awareness of avoiding visits to Fukushima has declined, there has been a mistake in the health effects of radiation from the accident.
It turned out that the solution still remained. Then, the health effects of radiation from the accident
Should be misunderstood for the problem? Here, "radiation"
Relationship between Knowledge about Lines and Actions Related to Reconstruction " 9.
9 For details on the results, see “Topics: Relevance of Radiation Knowledge and Actions Related to Reconstruction” below.
40 (%)
29.6 %
2017 (year)
26.4 %
14.8 %
5.6 %
3.9 %
1.6 %
1.2 %
0.8 %
12.9 %
9.5 %
5.2 %
6.1 %
4.8 %
In the description of the free description,
About the effect of radiation "
The reason why you do not want to be pregnant next time is
I was worried ”(No question asked in 2011)
MRI Trend Review
This is information on the health effects of radiation, etc.
The analysis was carried out from the perspective of how to communicate this to the public. In this study
Uses the results obtained in the 2017 survey to understand the risks of radiation for Tokyo citizens.
A detailed analysis was performed.
As a result of the analysis, the aim was to dispel awareness of avoiding food from Fukushima Prefecture and visiting Fukushima Prefecture.
In this case, it is a certain benefit to communicate information on health effects and examinations due to radiation.
Fruit was shown.
On the other hand, knowledge on physical aspects of radiation, such as the type of radiation and units of radiation and radioactivity
Is more likely to raise concerns about the health effects of exposure to accidents.
With a positive impression of the state of recovery in Fukushima Prefecture.
It was found to be particularly significant in subjects who did not.
Increased anxiety about the health effects of radiation when information about radiation is obtained
In order to avoid this, it is necessary to first communicate the state of recovery in Fukushima Prefecture and share the current awareness
Deemed desirable.
Figure 11 Image of the effects of radiation knowledge
Health and social knowledge
Health effects of radiation
Food inspection system, etc.
Physical knowledge
Type of radiation
Units of radiation and radioactivity
People who do not have a positive impression of the reconstruction situation = The more they study, the more they become anxious ...
Health and social knowledge
Health effects of radiation
Food inspection system, etc.
Physical knowledge
Type of radiation
Units of radiation and radioactivity
Those who have a positive impression of the reconstruction situation = understanding of the reconstruction situation will dispel anxiety
If you understand the reconstruction situation
In order to avoid the growing anxiety caused by physical knowledge of radiation ,
First, it is important to share awareness of the state of recovery in Fukushima Prefecture.
MRI Trend Review
5. Recommendations for the Tokyo 2020 Games
From the survey results in 2019 and 2017, the understanding of the current situation and radiation in Fukushima among Tokyo citizens has advanced.
Despite this, it was found that it was necessary to continue promoting awareness and understanding. In particular, radiation
Of the scientific facts that are not well understood, such as the health effects of
First of all, strengthen the transmission of information to the general public. See also “4.
Promote the understanding of the health effects of radiation from accidents, as shown in
Therefore, it is important to strengthen the communication of the reconstruction situation in Fukushima. In other words, the health shadow of radiation
The scientific information on the sound and the information on the reconstruction of Fukushima are not one of them, but the information on the two wheels of the car.
It is desirable to convey both as a set.
Currently less than a year before the Tokyo 2020 Games, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Foreign countries have been paying attention to the disposal of treated water and the safety of food produced in Fukushima Prefecture.
You. Many foreign countries have gained an understanding of the safety of Fukushima foods.
However, some situations may not be understood correctly. In such a situation, Fukushima Prefecture
First of all, if there is not enough understanding in Japan about the state of reconstruction and the health effects of radiation,
It is also difficult to gain understanding from overseas countries. Reason for lack of understanding in Japan
Lack of understanding from abroad can lead to disadvantages for the entire Japanese society. All Japanese society
By linking progress in understanding the body to understanding from the international community, a more global perspective can be restored.
Xing will be realized.
Based on the current situation of Japan, including a global perspective, this study has
The suggestions made are summarized below.
[Suggestions obtained from the survey results]
∎ Although understanding of the current situation in Fukushima and the health effects of radiation from the accident are
There is no significant improvement compared to before.
∎ Even at the time of the 2019 survey, about half of Tokyo residents still differed from the latest scientific knowledge.
We are concerned about the health effects of radiation on the next generation. If such concerns continue, domestic
There is a risk that discrimination and prejudice may take root in some areas.
The Tokyo Olympics, also known as the “Reconstruction Olympics,” is the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and accidents
It is considered one of the major purposes to transmit the image of Japan and abroad. So, the Tokyo 2020 Games
The following are suggested from the results of this survey in anticipation of the event.
MRI Trend Review
[Recommendations based on survey results]
∎ As Japan as a whole prepares for the Tokyo 2020 Games,
Recognize the significance of the Reconstruction Olympics for the national and international communities
And the importance of renewing our understanding of the restoration and reconstruction of the affected areas
Need to recognize.
∎ The lack of understanding in Japan may hinder the promotion of understanding overseas.
It is even more important to respond with a global perspective.
∎ It is essential to avoid suffering for those affected by discrimination and prejudice.
No. To this end, policies that promote understanding of the health effects of radiation are being pulled.
It needs to be aggressively and steadily continued.
∎ From the above points, we will further understand the health effects of radiation and the status of restoration and reconstruction in Fukushima.
Initiatives to make the Tokyo 2020 Games a concrete and clear milestone to advance
Only need.
Figure 12 Image of fostering understanding for Fukushima reconstruction
As both wheels of a car
Transmission of information
The current state of Fukushima
Health effects of radiation
Domestic understanding of
Tokyo 2020 Games
In Fukushima
Reconstruction situation
From the international community
MRI Trend Review
Topics: The link between radiation knowledge and actions related to recovery
[Article name] Modeling reconstruction-related behavior and evaluation of influences of major
information sources.
[Author] Mitsubishi Research Institute: Kosuke Shirai, Nobuaki Yoshizawa
Fukushima Medical University: Michio Murakami, Yoshitake Takebayashi
[Published] PLoS ONE (2019)
Of the results obtained in the 2017 survey, using the responses of Tokyo residents (n = 1,000),
Knowledge of radiation, "Recognition of risks related to the health effects of radiation (radiation risk recognition)," "Fukushima
We analyzed the three associations of “reconstruction-related behavioral intentions (intentions related to reconstruction actions)” 10 .
First, regarding the knowledge about radiation, etc., by factor analysis, "physical knowledge ("
Depending on the type (nuclide), there are different types of radiation, such as α-rays, β-rays, and γ-rays, which have different penetrating powers ”
And “health and social knowledge (“ Additional dose received is 100 millisieverts (mSv)
It is said that the impact on health cannot be mentioned below. ''
Municipalities do not ship, distribute or consume other foods of the same item. ”)”
Were classified into two types. Based on this, risk cognition, behavioral intention,
Of health and social knowledge of radiation was recognized as radiation risk perception.
Was slightly reduced significantly, and the effect of raising the "intention regarding recovery actions" was observed. radiation
The "physical knowledge" of the line had a slightly higher effect on "radiation risk perception". This is radiation
The opposite causal relationship exists that people who are more worried about the line are more likely to seek information and have knowledge.
There is also the ability.
In addition, “Awareness of the reconstruction situation in Fukushima Prefecture (see“ 2.1 Understanding
Consciousness, interest "), and conducted similar evaluations.
Obtained. Only those who answered, "I think the recovery and reconstruction in Fukushima are progressing" were analyzed.
If they do, the “radiation risk awareness” and “reconstruction intent”
The effect was not significant. On the other hand, "I think recovery and reconstruction in Fukushima Prefecture is progressing."
If only the respondents who did not answer were analyzed, the "health and social knowledge" of radiation was "reconstruction"
Impact of "Physical Knowledge" on "Radiation Risk Perception" while Enhancing Behavioral Intent
Was significantly observed.
10 Here, “radiation risk awareness” refers to the effects of current radiation exposure on the onset of cancer and the health effects on future generations.
This is the result of asking people in the island prefecture how much they think will occur (see 2.4).
You will feel it. "Recovery Intent" refers to purchasing food from Fukushima and traveling to Fukushima
(See 2.2 and 2.3), "Knowledge of radiation, etc."
Asked about the knowledge to do ("In the wake of the Tokyo Olympics, the recovery situation in Fukushima Prefecture and the health effects of radiation
It is necessary to reconfirm the perceptions (Part 3) ").

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